Unterkurzheim 30 | 8793 Trofaiach | AT
00436604306700 | |

MPC² – your new sales representation!

Let’s introduce ourselves!

MPC² is offering sales representation services for project-based, technology-focused manufacturing companies. MPC² is very well established in the petrochemical (polyolefins and fertilisers) and petroleum business, with special long-term expericence (>10 years) in the field of high-pressure products and technologies (e.g. piping, flanges, connectors, valves, vessels, tanks, separators, granulators, scrubbers,…). With respect to geographical areas, MPC² is active worldwide, however having its largest network in Europe, Middle East, South East and Far East Asia.

In addition, the company MPC² provides technical consultancy services in the field of materials selection & testing, failure analysis, procurement, auditing & expediting as well as R&D.

Please get in touch with us, in case you would like to learn more!